Bring in your old photos of the Church Inn from yester-year.
One of the oldest pubs in Cheshire, the Church Inn has been around since at least 1715. Looking back we think there may well have been an old ‘Tavern’ on the site of the current Church Inn earlier than this.
It is unlikely that a 12th century church would be left lonely for so long! Churches and pubs go together afterall.
The Church Inn is grade two listed and within the pub are some wonderful features such as the 280 year old horse hair and lime plaster wall in our
private dining room named after George Mallory. Next time you are in the Church Inn please ask us to show you our historic private dining rooms.
One thing we are struggling to find are old photos of the Church inn from yester-year. So we are asking you, our guests, to help. If you can find any
old photos of the Church Inn then please bring them in. We will re-photograph them and present you with a £10 Church Inn voucher for your efforts! We want to build an historic gallery for all to enjoy.
You will see the photos we have to date but we are looking for photos from the 1980’s back in time as far as one can go….so have a look and see what
you can find. We look forward to building our collection.