June 17, 2013August 23, 2013 by admin Week 8 ‘The Opening’ Just waiting now for the final planting on the stepsMartini Reunited2Oak benches in the sunThe French windows for the terrace.the reflections from the sun capture the signs magicThe terrace.The view across the new rear garden.A lovely view of St Wilf'sAfternoon TeaPlanters in the new beer gardenThe final skip of rubbish!!The new sign hangs with prideThe terrace is now enclosedThe Wisteria makes all the difference.WOW!!Rick from Caddis hides from the rain while admiring the new beer garden he has created with brother Paul in Refurb 0 comments ShareYou may also likeWeek 8 - the final countdownWeek 7WEEK SIX THE START OF THE FINISH!!