To all our customers, the Church Inn, Mobberley re-opened on 18th June 2013 following a change of ownership and significant restoration and refurbishment works.
We wish to point out that any reviews prior to this date do not relate to our wonderful pub nor do sites such as Trip-advisor, facebook, twitter or beer in the evening.
If any customer has comments that will help us improve the service we offer please contact us directly as we do not acknowledge such websites as Trip advisor, beer in the evening or other sites that can be sadly used maliciously, in an attempt to damage reputations. Life is too short…so we would like you to contact us directly and we will help you in any way we can. We need positive feedback so we can continue to succeed.
Please visit “contact us” from our website to email us any constructive comments you may have or indeed any queries. You can also keep up to date with upcoming events and exciting news by following @churchinnmobb on Twitter. Below are some reviews…
Many thanks
The Church Inn Team.

The Times:- Britain’s Top 30 Pubs 2018