Ginger donates local Mobberley pig!!!

GINGEROur ‘Nose to Tail’ week celebrates the local Mobberley pig with our Head Chef Lloyd and his kitchen team cooking up some great dishes for everyone to enjoy alongside our normal menu.

‘Ginger’ who is pictured enjoys a very happy life with many offspring at Foden Lane Nursery in Mobberley where visitors are very welcome. Ginger produces pigs for us to enjoy and only one or two make it to the dinner table the rest live happily together with Ginger keeping an eye on them at the nursery.

Hopefully happy pigs will lead to happy customers…

New Sunday Brunch menu arrives and the team celebrate with a cuppa!!



The team stood proud as the new Sunday Brunch menu was launched this week!! Mugs of coffee and tea were gratefully received with a strong message from the team. Where would you rather be on a Sunday morning?? Starting at 10.30am until mid-day Brunch is served so come and enjoy a relaxing morning with us (see menu below).

Just to let everyone know that Brunch is purely served on a Sunday from now on and is already building up a loyal following…

You can book your table too!

Click here to view menu

They know where they would rather be!!

They know where they would rather be!!

Church Inn ‘Boot room’ goes for gold!!

goldieOur little boot room is the perfect place to change your wellies or walking boots before and after a great walk. There is room to leave your shoes too should you wish. There is even a sink to wash down your boots should you need to.

Recently a well-known local left their shoes behind while taking on the Church Inn pub walk. These shoes were quite a talking point….could the secret local be in pantomime?? Where did they get those gold shoes from? Sadly we couldn’t do a Cinderella story as before we knew it the shoes were gone in a flash…but who is the owner of these ostentatious little numbers….please let us know….might be a boy…

East Cheshire Hunt visits the Church Inn.

It was a damp chilly morning as the Bury Pork sausages sizzled on the grill and the port and King’s Ginger filled the air of the fire lit bar of the Church Inn. With tweeds and jodhpurs on show as the Hunts riders kept warm by the fire with nibbles and tipples!

The Hounds meanwhile arrived with wagging tails and hot breath!! As the Hunt Master kept them at ease within the pubs cycle park. The team came out to see them off as they ‘clip-clopped’ down Church Lane towards the Bulls Head as a rainbow appeared in the threatening February sky.

There is nothing quite like the spectacle of horse and hound in village life even on a cold winters day….. Click on an image to view lightbox gallery..

New menu arrives at the Church Inn in Mobberley!!

Our Head Chef Lloyd and his team of chefs have once again worked exceptionally hard to develop some lovely new dishes for our ‘winter in to spring’ menu….

New starters include…

  • The Church ‘sharing’ Seafood Plate of Scottish smoked salmon and pickled cucumber, crayfish Marie Rose, Whitby scampi with fresh tartare sauce, warm Cornish crab and leek tart, salt and pepper whitebait, potted Devon crab with granary toast easily enough for two or three to share as a starter.
  • Or we have Grilled Pear and Cumbrian air dried ham salad with soured cream, truffle honey and radicchio leaves
  • or a Salad of wild rocket, spinach and toasted pinenuts, with crumbled Anglesey feta and rye bread thins.
  • Duck Liver and Cognac Pâté, roasted Bramley apple compote and hot toasts
  • Cumbrian Pig Cheek slow cooked in Welsh Ty Gwyn cider, served with braised barley, a fresh herb salad and brown butter vinaigrette

On the new mains we have..

New Tavern Favourites

  • Chunky Lamb Shepherd’s Pie topped with Winchester Cheese mashed potato and served with pickled red cabbage
  • Ty Gwyn Cider battered Market Fish and Chips with Yorkshire garden peas and homemade tartare sauce

Other main meals include

  • Pot Roast Shoulder of Lamb, cooked with red wine, glazed with pomegranate molasses and thyme, served with root vegetable mash.
  • Roast Breast of Goosnargh Duck with cherry and red wine sauce, chicory and shallot tart, wilted kale and creamed celeriac
  • Grilled Hake with a herb crust, tarragon and white wine sauce, sautéed new potatoes and creamed Yorkshire peas
  • Roast Breast of Cumbrian Chicken with celeriac dauphinoise, wild mushroom sauce, braised shallots and buttered kale
  • Ricotta, basil, lemon and chilli stuffed flat cap mushroom, sautéed new potatoes, saffron and white wine cream sauce

and for new homemade puddings we have…….

  • Classic Spotted Dick and custard
  • Sticky Date Bread and Butter Pudding with rum and raisin ice cream
  • Baked Egg Custard, finished with fresh nutmeg and poached vanilla rhubarb
  • Sticky Date Bread and Butter Pudding with rum and raisin ice cream
  • Warm Bollington Chocolate and Pear Cake, with Dunham Massey Vanilla ice cream

To look through the full menu click here and the Sunday menu please click here…

A fun Christmas everywhere!!

What a great time over Christmas our teams have had. It is tiring work but there are plenty of smiles and fun around the place!! The Bulls Head in Mobberley held its annual Christmas Jumper competition and the judges moved around the pub secretly assessing the best. Pete had won it last year with his ‘snow man number’ so was a favourite again this year.

There were a number of good efforts but I am pleased to say Pete held on to his crown with an ‘elf jumper’ with matching hat!! Well done Pete! There must be someone out there who can out do Pete in 2014??!

The teams as you can see had a good go with our personal favourite being Tom at the Church Inn with his Christmas pudding version!! Thanks to all our teams for making the effort. At the Cholmondeley Arms the ‘Snow Ball’ Drink was re-incarnated by the team and you can see Miya sampling some for the camera behind the Cholmondeley Bar!!!

Thank you to all our customers who have added to the atmosphere at all our pubs. There have been Christmas Carol singers at Cholmondeley and Brass bands at The three Greyhounds Inn at Allostock and The Church Inn in Mobberley as we managed to squeeze them in our newly decorated Church Inn ‘boot room’.

On Christmas eve as the Carol service finished at St. Wilfs church opposite the Church Inn in Mobberley we were on hand to serve the masses (get it!!) with mulled wine on the terrace with warm chimineas burning away. There were festive nibbles and roasted chestnuts and a lot of good cheer! A very happy Christmas to all!!

Thanks to all our teams for working so hard!!

The Great outdoors!!

As temperatures rise and we actually have the summer we deserve (at long last!!) it is important that we let new potential customers know the wonderful outside space we have here at the Church Inn. To the side we have our terrace opposite St Wilfrid’s Church which gets shade as well as sun. When the Church bells ring you could be in a little square in Italy with a cool Aperol Spritz!!#

To the rear of the pub we have our ‘Wisteria Garden’ which is a sun trap and gets the sun late in to the evening, moving down the step from here is the shady beer garden as the path meanders down to our beautiful bowling green. The views from the rear of the pub across the Cheshire fields are breath-taking. Whether you want sun or shade, atmosphere or views the Church Inn has a little of everything.

We do some great yesteryear cool drinks like the Dubonnet Spritzer as well as the now famous Aperol Spritz. Long and cool in the summer sunshine….there’s nothing better!!

Tatton Brewery Boys drink lager!!!

BOYS-WITH-LAGER!Yes it is true…the boys from Tatton Micro-brewery drink lager too!!! The ‘Tatton Two’ as they will be known, rocked up to the new Church Inn having dropped off one of our new house ales which is to be called Ale’Alujah (see badge).

Their curiosity got the better of them and they slipped in to the pub to have a good look around, then low and behold next minute they were caught on camera sipping our new English ‘craft’ lager called ‘Freedom Four’.

Now these are ale enthusiasts at their best but they were on the fizzy stuff for sure!!! When caught in the act they declared it was because it was English and crafted!! Fair enough but we couldn’t resist getting a shot of them, glasses in hand.

We also celebrate the emergence of English craft beers with our Titanic Stout which is a really good 4.5% porter in keg format. The other house cask ale we offer is in honour of Mobberly’ite Climber George Mallory…know as Mallory’s Mobberley Best a lovely 3.9% session ale from Dunham Massey Brewery.

So take a leaf out of the ‘Tatton Two’s Book and come and have a pint!!!

There’s something English for everyone!!




The new Church Inn opens its doors at last!!

slide2Yes after 8 gruelling weeks, the longest of any restoration we have done, the new Church Inn re-opened its doors on Wednesday19th June 2013. The pub is truly restored beyond anything we could have expected and anyone that knew the pub before will appreciate the effort of everyone involved in this re-build job.

After being acquired way back in January, in a near derelict state, by Tim Bird and Mary McLaughlin this Grade II listed pub is now fully restored and refurbished offering great food in an old ‘Country Tavern’ environment. The pub has a main bar with intimate small dining rooms. There is a ‘boot room’ for a ‘muddy boot’ pint of ale and a private dining room upstairs with a smaller ‘chefs library’ dining, or indeed, meeting room, adjacent. There is now a new sunny garden to the rear of the pub, snaking down to one of Cheshire’s oldest bowling greens. The hedges have been reduced to reveal wonderful views across farmer’s fields from the rear with wisteria growing elegantly above. There is a summer dining terrace to the side of the pub which is now enclosed and secluded with lovely views of St. Wilfrid’s Church opposite. WE are truly in the heart of some of Cheshire’s most beautiful countryside.

The Church Inn is a traditional yet stylish 18th Century country pub located on the edge of Mobberley, a short distance from the village cricket club for whom a ‘cricket corner’ of interest has been added to the bar. The pub has been wonderfully restored and its grand history has been truly revived.

In 1715 the pub was actually called the Bulls Head and changed its name to the Wright Arms some years later, mainly because there was a second pub in Mobberley called the Bulls Head already!! Ironically the Church Inn is now the ‘sister pub’ of the award winning Bulls Head! The name was then changed to the Church Inn because of it’s proximately to the village church.

Freshly cooked food is a massive part of the new Church Inn, all prepared by the excellent team of chefs developed through the kitchens of Tim and Mary’s other pubs. Such dishes as Roast corn-fed Chicken with smoked mash, summer vegetables, griddled baby leeks and tarragon gravy or Gressingham Duck Breast, with herb polenta, Winchester cheese and caramelized beetroot or the Cheshire Farmed Lamb Burger with Anglesey Feta and caramelized onion chutney, pickled cucumber salad and chips get the taste buds tingling.

There is a ‘communion’ of wines celebrated within the pub featuring a list of fifty or so wines from ‘old world’ classics to the ‘new world’ innovations with a few unique additions from as far afield as Mexico and Israel.

The Cask ales are from within a 15 mile boundary as well as one pump dedicated to craft ales from around the country, English Stouts and craft lagers differentiate our offering further.

We look forward to welcoming you soon.